Sunday, March 20, 2005

March 20, 2005

Missions Statement: I am the hand of a Ready Writer (Psalm 45:1) for the Lord. I will document His love for His people (Galatians 5:1), and proclaim the soon coming marriage supper of the Lamb of God. Postings will be based on my daily Bible study and will follow a consistent format. My hope is to encourage my readers to further personal study. It is time for His Bride to prepare herself for her Groom.

Good Palm Sunday Morning! As I wrote in yesterday’s posting, I intend to write on a variety of subjects. Today, I want to provide a short book review. I received from Hugh Hewitt (see Hugh James Webb’s new book, “Born Fighting, How The Scotts-Irish Shaped America.” Webb explains the history of the Scotts-Irish peoples’ love for personal liberty and concept of responsible government. This same drive is ingrained in at least 50% of the American population. Webb shed light on an issue I did not think possible, but might be common knowledge to others. I never considered that many actually believe that government should control every aspect of our lives. Even American citizens think that a “Top-down” governing authority is better than individuals acting responsibly within their God given liberty. This differing view explains a great division in our country today. I never understood why “Liberals” view taxation as a form of “free-will-offering,” or contribution to society. I view taxation as government “legalized robbery,” to fund necessary programs that probably would not survive without government support. I guess that’s why so many people are hanging on to a dieing Social Security system. I suppose that they trust the government more than themselves to own and be responsible for their retirement future. Read Born Fighting,” it will set you free.

March 20, 2005 (The First Day of Holy Week):
Bible Study: Psalm 48:1-14
What is the main point? This is a song of praise to God for His greatness and for the great city, Jerusalem, He established. In this passage, the writer compares God’s greatness against the collective yet limited weak power of mankind. I believe a rabbinical doctrine comes from this passage too. The thought is this, so long as God’s chosen people and the Holy Mount Zion remain, the people of the Earth will be blessed (see Isaiah 2:3-4, and John 4:22).
What does God reveal about Himself? God is revealed as a protective husband and father, a guardian of the great city and her children.
What insights into my life? One reason I write this daily journal is defined for me in the last two verses. I want to declare His great love for people, that His love is everlasting, and that He will guide each of us according to His purposes. One day He will take us home, either through the end of our individual lives, or on His appointed day of rescue (see I Corinthians 15:51-58, and I Thessalonians 4:13-5:6).
How do I honor God with this information? Because this is a song of praise, I want to remain in an attitude of worship to God, all day. One way to help me do this is to listen to Christian music. I can listen “on-line” at K-LOVE.
Where is God working today? I am reminded to pray that God will touch the hearts and minds of the key players in this Terri Schiavo drama and that He will rescue her at His appointed time. By now, she must be feeling the pain of hunger. I wonder if her “husband” is hungry. I wonder what he has to gain by her death. I also wonder who else gains by her passing. I wonder if there are really American people who want a country that has no place for the infirm. Will you join me in this prayer? Father, please open hearts and minds to Your truth, compassion, and value for each life, including Terri’s. I understand that Congress is finally prepared to intervene. That, in my opinion, is itself an answer to prayer.

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