Monday, June 14, 2021

Is Secession the only Answer – Part 3?

Will Americans Surrender Their Right to Bear Arms & Liberty for False Security?

(A Study)


When I finished Part 2, I suggested regulating or removing the 2nd Amendment from the United States Constitution would be the catalyst for seceding from the Socialist/Communist government ruling America. “Reasonable gun control regulations” is a clever way to turn law abiding gun owning Americans into criminals. Convicted criminals are not allowed to possess a firearm, but they do. Before the Left disarms the populace, is secession the only choice left to keep our 1776-based, 1789-ordained and established Constitutional Republic?


This will be a long post. The 2nd Amendment has few words, but it deserves both a deep and wide discussion. It is important to remember what the 2nd Amendment states and why it is foundational to preserving Liberty. It says:


Article II (2nd Amendment)

well-regulated Militiabeing necessary to the security of free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Armsshall not be infringed.


The Left (make no mistake – most Democrats are Leftists) has shown itself ideologically consistent throughout history. A key objective that must be reached before obtaining their ultimate goal (100% control) is the disarming of the populace. Once people no longer have the means to defend themselves, they will submit – or else. To achieve total domination, the Democrat Communist Party (DCP) members follow simple rules:

1.   There is no god to whom one must give an account,

2.   The ends justify the means – truth is meaningless,

3.   The masses are asses – unable to govern themselves,

4.   Tell them what they want to hear and they will vote for you, and

5.   Never let a crisis go to waste.

If you want to know more about how the Left is manipulating America, one of the viellist books I’ve read is titled “Rules for Radicals,” written by America-hater Saul Alinsky. Today’s DCP members follow Alinsky’s directives better than Christians follow the teachings of Jesus, which is why so many are being deceived by evil doctrines like Critical Race Theory (CRT), Social Justice, or Equity, disguised as so called, “Science” or “Knowledge” (I Tim 6:20). 


To implement these diabolical, Liberty-destroying plans, people must surrender their firearms, “for the good of society”. The Collective would forbid a group of Liberty-loving Americans organizing into a well-regulated, well-trained, individually-equipped, militia able to defend freedom for themselves and their posterity. Listen to what the DCP media calls supporters of the 2nd Amendment. They use terms like: “Neo-Nazi,” “White Supremacists,” or “Radical-right Hate Groups.” The puppet-president said the greatest domestic terrorist threat (to the DCP – although he said America) and must be “rooted out” is “systemic Racism.”


The DCP follows the dictates of Muslims who intend to turn America into a Sharia-compliant Islamic state, even if it takes “a hundred years” (Abdurahman M. Alamoudi, Founder, American Muslim Council). Notice lately that they’ve also become openly Anti-Semitic and have turned a blind eye to Jews being attacked in our strict, gun-control cities. 


As the Left prepares for another summer filled with violent riots, they are also preparing to take away our personal property, our firearms, by force if necessary. But know this, the Left is afraid of us who swore an oath to defend the United States Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Fear is contagious (Duet 20:8) The Left is afraid of the Truth. And most importantly, the Left fears the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Also, the Left is afraid that we will leave. Why? They can’t fund, fuel, feed, or fight for themselves. If we chose to show them that the things of this world do not matter to us, but Almighty God’s gifts of Life and Liberty do, and we walk away to those States that have upheld Truth, Justice, and Freedom, they would panic.


Is the 2nd Amendment worth separating the nation over? It’s a hard question to answer. If we want a nation that turns a blind-eye to human trafficking, aborts its children, teaches young survivors to hate our history, founding, and accomplishments of abolishing slavery and liberating others, a nationalized indoctrination system convincing children there is no difference between girls and boys, if you want a nation of one party rule, then, by all means, depend on the undependable political system to right the ship of state. For me and my house, we’ll follow the LORD’s direction (Joshua 24:15). If He makes it clear it’s time to move, we are ready to obey. We’d rather not get caught in a mass migration, fleeing for our lives, unless of course, Jesus sounds the trumpet to rapture His true followers from His wrath to come.


If, on the other hand, you want a nation that recognizes no nation is perfect, but this one was brought forth by the Sovereign hand of Almighty God, preserved by His Divine Providence, dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal, and formed around eternal Biblical principles and values (like the Golden Rule – Matthew 7:12), then it’s not just the 2nd Amendment at stake – it’s the future of Life and Liberty. The 2nd Amendment is more than owning a gun. It allows a human being to defend his or her life and liberty. It recognizes as a duty for us to defend the life and liberty of the innocent and defenseless too weak to defend themselves.


Remember, the ideological divide between the world domination goals of the DCP and an average American, or a true follower of Jesus is as unbridgeable as the Grand Canyon. If this were a domestic separation, we would consider these irreconcilable differences.


Imagine if you were a pastor and a battered wife came to you for advice. Would you counsel her to go home and submit to a husband who repeatedly, verbally and physically abuses her? What if she claims her husband threatened to kill her and her children? By the blackened eyes and the bruises, you can see, you can tell she’s telling the truth. Do you send her home to more beatings, admonishing her with scriptures like: Ephesians 5:22 and I Peter 3:1? Or, do you become a good Samaritan (Luke 10:29-37) and make sure she gets to a safe house where she can receive the help she needs to survive?


Like our battered wife, we live with single-party rule. We do not know from one day to the next what behavior will come from the DCP, disguised as law. Will they take away more liberty in the name of security, will they stop increasing taxes, fees, or fines? Will they stop compulsive spending like a drunken sailor with a gambling addiction? Will they stop calling us the greatest existential threat to their country.


All too often we see the tragedy of what happens to wives who remain in an abusive relationship. They become a true crime story. As I asked in Part 1 of this study, do we have to wait until people begin to disappear before we secede and migrate to safer states? I believe God is warning His people to decide now and hold fast to their Heavenly citizenship bestowed on them by the redemptive work of Jesus. I also believe He is preparing His people for the coming corporate and government sponsored persecution. Make no mistake, the test is coming. Do we submit as Paul commands in Romans 13, or Peter in I Peter 2:13? Or is there a just cause by which, God, through His Word, commands us to stand. Moving to a State that upholds life and liberty won’t prevent the ultimate test, but it may delay it providing more time to prepare.


Beginning with Memorial Day 2020, the Left demonstrated with nightly violence Life and Liberty meant nothing to them. Mob rule was sanctioned by every Left controlled institution. Police officers, sworn to preserve and protect, were demonized, pelted with frozen water bottles, bricks, rocks, and fireworks. Many suffered severe injuries and some were killed. Current DCP leadership made sure those arrested were released. A St. Louis, MO couple who tried to protect their personal property have been prosecuted for brandishing firearms, something the US Constitution states the government can’t infringe. No one was harmed, but some feelings were hurt, by Mark and Patricia McCloskey’s scary behavior. If they can be prosecuted, what will happen to Americans who choose to resist the gun ban regulations that are soon to be promulgated and enforced throughout the nation. If we think mask mandates were government overreach, just wait. If we don’t secede peacefully soon, this ideological divorce will become ugly, violent, and deadly.


Another reason to learn how to safely use a firearm, crime is growing beyond a local community’s capacity to combat it. Weeks ago, the L.A. County Sheriff recommended that citizens arm themselves. Because of defunding his department coupled with the DCP’s promoted hatred for police, he no longer has enough personnel to protect the people. As of this post, over 2 million illegal aliens from 150 different countries have crossed our southern boarder controlled by Mexican Drug Cartels who are making millions of dollars through human trafficking (many have seen the picture and video of little boy dumped in the middle of the night at our boarder). If they are this willing to break into our country, it is mathematically plausible some are willing to break into your home. Lately, we’ve seen gangs of young men roaming our neighborhood. How will we defend ourselves if disarmed with fewer police? I have a duty before God to protect my family, neighbors and friends, and I will.


Does this DCP controlled government protect individual rights or promote collective theory? Does it really care about humanity? Whenever politics and medicine (or science) collide, politics wins. It’s clear they don’t care about life. It supports abortion on demand up to and including the birth of a child. They hate individual liberty. If they have their way, they will restrict us to our homes, mask us again, or worse, and disarm us so we cannot defend ourselves against well-armed, blood-thirsty criminals.


If we had our own nation, we could protect life and abolish abortion. We would promote the traditional family unit as God intended. We could put an end to human trafficking within our new border. We would support our police and punish criminals. We would teach our children to love God and others, pray in school, learn what they need to be responsible citizens – not Marxist activists. We would have a military that defended the nation, not promoting the latest social “science” experiment. We would avoid foreign entanglements, yet recognize other nations have every right to govern themselves as they choose. One alliance we would hold dear that with Israel relying on the promise of Divine Providence – whoever blesses Israel God will bless; whoever curses Israel He will curse (Genesis 12:3). We would allow the Gospel of Jesus to be openly preached so that all our citizens can come to know God and His salvation through Jesus and become a citizen of His Heavenly Kingdom.


I’ve made my choice. I will not surrender to the DCP. I don’t care if they call me racist, a White Supremacist, or a narrow minded Christian, I swore an oath to Almighty God to preserve and defend the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The DCP is a domestic enemy of the United States of America. Because I know who The Truth is, He grants me clarity, conviction and courage. Just as fear is contagious, so is courage. Let us encourage one another to fight the fight of freedom for ourselves and our posterity. Let us remove ourselves from a tyrannical government that hates all people who love God, the US Constitution, Life and Liberty.

At least TEXAS is doing something!