I had been hoping the Constitutional Republic could be restored in the 2022 election cycle. However, I have realized I haven’t been paying attention to where we are this moment in history. The Democrat Communist Party (DCP) proved they can steal any election. The only reason why House and Senate seats were not robbed is they weren’t targeted with the same laser focus as the presidency. The DCP has been able to pilfer once solid red states like Colorado, which was the lab-rat test, following the California model. We all saw what they did to Arizona and Georgia. Now, Texas is in their crosshairs: flooding the state with COVID-19 infected illegal aliens, using the “Woke” mob to cancel Republican representatives, like Congressman Dan Crenshaw, Senator Ted Cruz, and Governor Greg Abbott, and attempting to force Texas to use DCP controlled counting machines and software, “to be consistent with the other states.” If the unconstitutional H.R.1 passes, then state control of elections goes away. After all, it doesn’t matter who votes, it matters who counts the votes, and the DCP controls the counting as sure as they control the narrative.
The shameless lies being promoted against Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz and Governor Ron DeSantis must be challenged. As I’ve written before, evil knows no restraint.
The DCP’s blood lust for power knows no limits. Now that they have control of the Federal Government, they will never relinquish it. The United States Constitution does not matter. Rules of common decency do not matter. Crushing all opposition is all that matters to them. Hedging their bets, they are moving illegals into other red states such as Montana and South Dakota, I believe, to solidify their dominion over the entire country.
Unfortunately, I held onto the myth that somehow, Republicans and Conservatives might reclaim political control in 2022. After seeking clarity from Jesus and studying His Word, I now see that day has passed just as assuredly as we will all pass this life and stand before His bar of judgment. Only one solution remains to have a Constitutional Republic – start over by first severing the political bonds that allow the DCP’s ruthless control over our individual lives. It is our right; it is our duty as a free people to secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity.
I confess, it’s either crazy or courageous to consider secession, but as lovers of life and liberty we need to ask, how much abuse from the DCP can we endure when we can see more hostility forthcoming? Will our citizenship be revoked for disagreeing with their worldview? Do we have to have our personal property confiscated, livelihoods cancelled, and objections to injustice overruled by a DCP packed kangaroo court? Do we have to be separated from our loved-ones, herded into freight cars, and marched into gas chambers to finally see what’s coming. The DCP will claim, “This will never happen.” I have taken a good look at and listened closely to what’s happening right now.
Does any of this catch Almighty God by surprise? Of course not; but are Christians being caught by surprise? Many are. Can believers recognize how their God granted rights are being stolen by Thief-in-Chief Biden and those who control him? Unless we understand that God gave us these protections from tyrannical government, we won’t have the courage to stand up and speak out to defend them. I swore an oath to defend them against all enemies both foreign and domestic. The weapons of my warfare are mighty to the pulling down of strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4-5) but they also include writing the truth.
But before I can write truth to tyranny, I must make sure I am secure in Jesus. Do I know He created me and loves me with an everlasting love? Yes. Do I know He has a plan for my life? Yes. Do I know Jesus was God’s plan for my eternal salvation by being a sinless blood sacrifice for my evil sins? Yes. Do I know Jesus rose from the dead to forever make intercession for me? Yes. Has He invested His Holy Spirit in my life and sealed me until the Day of Salvation? Yes. When He rescues his Church, will I hear the trumpet calling me to come up to worship? Yes, I can’t wait, and the way the world is spinning out of control (but under His control), it’s going to sound any minute.
If anyone reading this blog is unsure of your eternal destiny, I recommend investing an hour of your life to watch this YouTube presentation by Pastor Jack Hibbs, “WHY? WHY? WHY?”
Obeying His command, I will be His pen of a ready writer (Psalm 45:1). It’s time to call this US government, “Tyrannical,”and not worthy to govern a free people.
Action is the call. To answer this call, I continue to pray for clarity. How to act? When to act? Why act? What does action look like? Where to begin? Has God Almighty commanded action?
In Part 2 of this study, I will pursue a fare analysis of the Biden administration’s usurpations compared to America’s Bill of Rights. It may be that God will grant clarity as I compare the Framers concepts of good government to a century of progressive, total-government administration. The easy path is for people to do nothing. However, I believe it is time to present a case for justifying secession.
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