Saturday, January 02, 2016

January 2, 2016 Bible Study – Isaiah 29:1-24

Today’s Bible study is Isaiah 29:1-24.  The prophetic warning here is to Jerusalem (Ariel is another name for the old city).  However, it is a stronger warning to the multitudes (verses 5 & 7) who oppose the land and people God loves.

I want to be clear, these are my Bible studies coming out of my relationship with Jesus by and through His Holy Spirit.  As we all have individual fingerprints, I expect what He shows me through His word will differ from what He shows others.  Regardless, I shall not compromise on this; Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  No one can come to our Creator except through Him.  Accordingly, Holy Spirit, please teach me as I study Your word.
  1. What is the main point of this passage?  The first 4 verses describe God’s judgment coming to Jerusalem and His people will mourn the city’s destruction.  The LORD explains why He disciplines His people in verses 13 & 14.  As I take down the Christmas decorations on our house, I will meditate on His accusation, “And their reverence for Me consists of tradition learned by rote.”  As in the previous chapter 28, verses 17 through 24 describe God’s wonderful restoration of Israel and Jerusalem.  It was 8 years ago when Mary and I visited Israel and Jerusalem.  The nation and city have been wondrously restored.  For all who object to Israel’s existence, I think verses 5 through 8, and 15 and 16 are warnings, too.
  2. What does God reveal about Himself?  Nothing is hidden from Him (verses 15 and 16).  God understands our behavior because He created us and He is able to see into our thoughts and intensions better than all the psychologists and psychiatrists in the world combined.  He will bring all of man’s wisdom to nothing.  We will be awestruck by what He does when He executes His righteous judgment.
  3. What insights can I apply to my life?  I know God will bring a day when His people will praise Him for the ultimate victory He gains over His enemies, which include those who say He does not exist and those who hate Israel and Jerusalem.  I choose to be on His side and I believe the test is this; what is my behavior and attitude regarding the land and people God loves? 
  4. How can I use this passage to honor God?  God has an expressed opinion regarding Israel, Jerusalem, and the Jewish people.  Unfortunately, too many embrace replacement theology – the Church replaces and now is Israel.  I believe this false doctrine will cause many to be included in the multitudes described in verses 5 and 7.  I do not want to spiritualize this passage by asserting Christians are included in the punished multitudes.  But replacement theology is widely accepted by many who claim the name of Jesus.  Many do not know they have embraced this false doctrine.  As the moment of His return draws ever closer, it is time to check our attitude regarding Israel.
  5. Where is God working in my life today?  He neither slumbers nor sleeps in His protection of Israel and Jerusalem.  Today, I choose to stand on His side regarding the land and people He loves.
Thanks for reading.         

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