Friday, February 05, 2016

February 5, 2016 Bible Study – Isaiah 58:1-14

Today’s Bible study is Isaiah 58:1-14.  Watching the news (mostly FOX), most of the presidential candidates (both sides) appear to behave more like spoiled children.  I’m beginning to think I would make a better president.  At least I feel shame if I tell a lie.

Yesterday’s event with Americans for Prosperity Foundation (AFP) of Colorado at the State Capitol Building was well conducted.  We are promoting 6 policy measures with the Colorado legislature.  I will address each one over the next few weeks.  Although these are Colorado issues, your state may be facing similar ones.  I recommend contacting your State’s APFF (main HQ linked here) for concerns relevant to your State.

  1. What is the main point of this passage? In verses 1 through 12, the prophet challenges the people (and me) to think about their hypocritical self-righteous behavior, which is covered with transgressions and sins.  God becomes specific regarding acceptable attitudes and behaviors in verses 6 and 7.  He describes the blessings, which result from acceptable attitudes and behaviors in verses 8 through 12.  Personally, I was convicted by verse 9.  I want God to hear and answer my prayers, and I know He does, but I am too quick to point out the hypocrisy of someone like Hillary Rodham Clinton (HRC).  Obviously, I have an ungodly heart attitude requiring genuine repentance.  Verses 13 and 14 are also convicting.  Often I go to the early church service so I can watch football or do other things I want to do on Sunday.  This passage exposes my hypocrisy.
  2. What does God reveal about Himself?  God looks beyond my pretended, “Christian,” behavior and searches the deep recesses of my heart and soul.  Nothing is hidden from Him.
  3. What insights can I apply to my life? I want God to deal with my hypocrisy.  I may never reach the purity He desires, but I must keep striving to reach His high calling in Jesus.
  4. How can I use this passage to honor God?  Father, as LORD over my life, I know I do not have to grant You permission to cleanse my ungodly attitudes and behavior.  I pray that You deal with me quickly because I don’t know how to repent of having ungodly thoughts every time I see security-breaching HRC or mosque attending Barack Hussein Obama (BHO) on television.
  5. Where is God working in my life today?  I hoped to make writing progress on my next story project.  I pray that Jesus, by His Holy Spirit will lead and guide me as we co-create together.
Thanks for reading and praying.                

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