May 19, 2008
Since April 2, 2008, God has ignited a holy fire in me that I haven’t experience since 1971.
This exploded with our trip to Israel. Mary and I joined with Joel Rosenberg’s Joshua Fund Humanitarian Relief Organization. Everyone told me it would be a, “Life Changing” experience. This is a gross understatement. The Epicenter Tour and Conference not only changed my life, but it has convinced me that Jesus is about to do something that will shake the entire world.
Many of the tour group from Colorado met again on May 9th. Comparing notes, it became obvious that God had touched each participant, even the most reluctant in the group.
Yesterday, I came home from the annual Colorado Christian Writers’ Conference. During the conference, I witnessed God, through His Holy Spirit, bring Christians to deep repentance. I haven’t seen a move like this in over 35 years. During a time of prayer, God’s powerful presence sent me to my knees. I became aware that other conferees were on their knees or prostrated before Him – receiving God’s cleansing, encouragement and strength. Talking with many after the conference, there was a vast consensus that God is pouring out His Spirit once again in these most probable Last Days.
It is my humble opinion; a person would have to be deaf, dumb, blind and stupid to reject the fact that God is moving to accomplish His purposes.
This coming weekend, our men’s America’s Godly Heritage fellowship will meet to discuss the faith of our Nation’s Founding Father’s and the United States Constitution. I hope to encourage these men to become the Democrat Party’s worst nightmare, men who understand the evil of large, unobstructed Government.
Charles J. Patricoff,
Author of: Destination Hope - Separation
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