Monday, December 22, 2008

Remember Our Troops at Christmas

I haven’t had time to collect my own thoughts and write a compelling article in support of our troops for this Christmas, but I believe God led me to an article written by Kevin McCullough linked here:,_evade,_resist,_escape

God bless our troops; have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Charles J. Patricoff
Author of: Destination Hope - Separation
By fighting to provide freedom for others, we preserve freedom for ourselves.

Monday, June 30, 2008

First American Seder

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Yesterday, I had the privilege to attend and participate in what was accurately called, “The American Seder,” a celebration of remembering pivotal stories that led to the signing of America’s Declaration of Independence. The “Seder” script was written by Chuck Grifasi and presented by Colorado Pragar Fans.

The program highlighted America’s first stand for the concept of Freedom of the Press and re-enacted the famous Peter Zenger publishing case in 1735. Mr. Zenger was defended by sixty-year old Andrew Hamilton. His eloquent defense was concluded with the notion that the press has “a liberty both of exposing and opposing tyrannical power by speaking and writing truth.” The colonial jury ignored the immoral English law that demanded they find Mr. Zenger guilty of libel and established for American law that truth is a defense to an accusation of libel. I find it frightening that America’s mainstream media has succumbed to Islam’s threats to sue anyone who prints truth that offends Islam. Our once proud “Free Press” has reverted back nearly 300 years and now submits under the boot heel of Islamic tyranny. A current case in Canada is attempting to silence author Mark Steyn for exposing certain truths about Islam in his America Alone book.

Another key story came from a dinner scene in the home of Mercy Otis Warren, who wrote the History of the Rise, Progress, and Termination of the American Revolution. In her collection of human interest stories she recalls personal letters from friends like Martha Washington and Abigail Adams. She also documented heroic wartime exploits of little known Americans such as Private Joseph Plumb Martin.

The hundred plus participants sang, God Bless America,” listened to Johnny Cash’s, Ragged Old Flag,” recited the Pledge of Allegiance,” acknowledged active duty and military veterans, watched a video called, They Also Serve,” and were treated to a special recorded messaged from Dennis Prager.

The “Seder” ended with a reminder to read the Declaration of Independence this Fourth of July. Each participant was given a prepared copy and Chuck Grifasi appealed to us to consider signing it on July 4th 2008 as a recommitment to the moral truth encapsulated in this American Foundational Document.

I simply add that if we don’t remember and commit ourselves again and again, year after year, we will lose the liberty we hold dear.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Islam's Conquest of America

I am fired up. Our Christian based representative government is broken. I understand that in a republic like ours there must be political divisions and conflicts. However, genuine Christians do not have a choice this November. Our voice has been silenced. Both candidates will continue to pander to the Nation of Islam that wants to destroy America – the land of liberty. Muslims will accomplish the demise of the United States either through external attack, or worse, through internal deception, pretending to be faithful American citizens. The most deadly enemies to America are those who, with a great pretense of “Loyalty,” daily insult the Biblical precepts upon which it was founded. Our current President deceives the American people every time he declares Islam a “Peaceful Religion.” Islam demands world domination and both radicals and moderates know they must turn America into an Islamic state to accomplish their global conquest. Our government will not stop it.

I say that it is time to establish a Christian party – a party that will not elect men or women who are known to be in sentiment and life, by precept and example, unchristian and untrue to the great principles of the Christian faith. But I fear it is too late. I believe there will come a day when Islam will control our government. We who refuse to submit to Islam’s control will be fighting for our survival. Muslims in America are using our government and Constitutional protections against us. Mark my words, very soon Islam will control the most sophisticated weapons on the planet and they will acquire them without firing a shot. They will take over the White House and Congress and make the Quran the supreme law of the land. Unless we fight now, including with deadly force, we will be condemned to servitude or die at the hands of those who cut off heads as an expression of their “Peaceful Religion.”

Charles J. Patricoff,
Author of: Destination Hope - Separation

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Candidate Called Israel An Infection

I hate to say it, but it is time to call a “Spade” a “Spade.” I do not mean this in racial terms. I am Jewish. If there ever was a people group persecuted for existing, we Jews remain the most despised people on the planet. For example, Jewish people are not recognized by the United States Government as a minority. Latin Americans, African Americans, and Asian Americans, to name a few, are, but not Jews. So, I will analyze the apparent Democrat Party’s Presidential nomination from a Biblical world view.

Barack Hussein Obama recently said that Israel is a wound and a sore, an infection on America’s foreign policy. In an earlier post (February 26, 2008), I reminded my readers to understand our responsibility before God to know people by their fruits. In my opinion, Barack Hussein Obama continues to show Anti-Christ tendencies. After visiting Israel, I am convinced that a true Christian could never call Israel an infection. As a Jew and child of Israel, I dislike being referred to as a disease.

Some may think I am overreacting, I am too sensitive, and I need to have thicker skin. I dare anyone to spend as much time as I do in the wild of the Rocky Mountains and not become toughened in every way: physical, emotional, mental, and above all spiritual. Barack Hussein Obama associates with people, who hate Israel, hate Jews, and hate the historical/Biblical foundation that established America. Why do the so many people assume that his associates do not influence the way he thinks. If I believed in reincarnation, I would swear Adolph Hitler has come back as Barack Hussein Obama, a Muslim. Did not Hitler refer to the Jews as vermin? I pray that the Biblical passages of Genesis 12:3 and 27:29 become a reality for him since he cursed God’s chosen people.

I call for men to rise up to Pray for Peace but Prepare for War. I am a known American Civil War Historian, an expert on the issues that started that bloody conflict. The country failed to resolve the key issues other than slavery. Do we want a Federal dictatorship of liberal, secular progressives, or are we willing to fight for limited government and personal responsibility? If the masquerading Obama becomes President, free speech and the personal right to bear arms, will disappear. But first, watch for Muslims to become emboldened and demand that we adopt their ways, just as they have done throughout Europe.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Holy Fire

May 19, 2008

Since April 2, 2008, God has ignited a holy fire in me that I haven’t experience since 1971.

This exploded with our trip to Israel. Mary and I joined with Joel Rosenberg’s Joshua Fund Humanitarian Relief Organization. Everyone told me it would be a, “Life Changing” experience. This is a gross understatement. The Epicenter Tour and Conference not only changed my life, but it has convinced me that Jesus is about to do something that will shake the entire world.

Many of the tour group from Colorado met again on May 9th. Comparing notes, it became obvious that God had touched each participant, even the most reluctant in the group.

Yesterday, I came home from the annual Colorado Christian Writers’ Conference. During the conference, I witnessed God, through His Holy Spirit, bring Christians to deep repentance. I haven’t seen a move like this in over 35 years. During a time of prayer, God’s powerful presence sent me to my knees. I became aware that other conferees were on their knees or prostrated before Him – receiving God’s cleansing, encouragement and strength. Talking with many after the conference, there was a vast consensus that God is pouring out His Spirit once again in these most probable Last Days.

It is my humble opinion; a person would have to be deaf, dumb, blind and stupid to reject the fact that God is moving to accomplish His purposes.

This coming weekend, our men’s America’s Godly Heritage fellowship will meet to discuss the faith of our Nation’s Founding Father’s and the United States Constitution. I hope to encourage these men to become the Democrat Party’s worst nightmare, men who understand the evil of large, unobstructed Government.

Charles J. Patricoff,
Author of: Destination Hope - Separation

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Israel 2008 (Pray for Peace - Prepare for War)

Mary and I returned from our visit to Israel last week. It’s taken me several days to process what this trip meant to us. I suspect it will take months. In summary, we’ve had an “interest” in Israel for decades. Now, we have a deep love for her and her people.
As a Jewish believer, the trip was a true “homecoming.” We were
part of Joel Rosenberg’s, Joshua Fund humanitarian relief tour. We and our best friends, Jim and Joyce Beckett, wanted to partner with an organization that would do something effective for Yeshua’s Kingdom rather than “take a vacation.” Nearly 200 other believers from across America and Canada joined Joel, his family, and the Joshua Fund organization’s leadership in this Epicenter 2008 mission.

Since this was our first adventure to Israel, we can only compare our experience to those reported to us by others. From what I can tell, other tours are packed with as many Holy Land sites as time will permit. In contrast, we were brought to specific locations and given time to absorb each site’s significance: culturally, historically, and biblically. Our tour seemed to have purpose and intentionality, in a word, “calling!”

From a historian’s point of view, we walked from pre-Abraham times, through Israel’s Kingdom period, the time of Yeshua, the destruction of the temple and scattering of the Jewish people, recognized the return of the Jewish state and celebrated Israel’s 60th rebirth as a nation.

On April 19th, we conducted our annual Passover Seder. Having seen with my eyes His restoration of the Holy Land, the section from Psalm 87 (quoted in full below) spoken during the Seder became, for me, yet another sure prophetic word fulfilled. Many of Israel’s seven million citizens have been “born in her.”

The tour culminated at the Epicenter 2008 Conference on April 10, 2008. Biblical prophecies were placed in contemporary context. I recommend that my readers perform a careful examination of Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39, and Matthew 24. Finally, I urge everyone to go to the linked web site and listen to the conference audio presentations.

Based on everything we witnessed, learned, and experienced, the Holy Spirit has impressed us with urgency. My prayer is that we would be like the sons of Issachar, men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do (1 Chronicles 12:32, NASB). It is our time to recognize the times in which we live. We must know how we should conduct ourselves and how we should prepare for what is coming. The conference slogan, “Pray for Peace – Prepare for War,” is apropos.

His foundation is in the holy mountains. The LORD loves the gates of Zion More than all the other dwelling places of Jacob. Glorious things are spoken of you, O city of God. “I shall mention Rahab and Babylon among those who know Me; Behold, Philistia and Tyre with Ethiopia: ‘This one was born there.’” But of Zion it shall be said, “This one and that one were born in her”; And the Most High Himself will establish her. The LORD will count when He registers the peoples, “This one was born there.” Then those who sing as well as those who play the flutes shall say, “All my springs of joy are in you.”

I ask each reader to go the Joshua Fund web site and pledge your support for Israel. Please join with us as we pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.


Charles J. Patricoff,
Author of: Destination Hope - Separation

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

II Thessalonians 2:8-12 Comparison

February 26, 2008

Barack Hussein Obama’s acceptance of the messiah role concerns me. I often remember how the people of Germany embraced, admired, and yes loved, another man who spoke like a messiah and called for change in his day to his world. His name was Adolph Hitler. He spoke, the people listened. He promised to restore Germany to its rightful place in the world, the people cheered. He blamed a particular people for the economic woes the citizens suffered, and the people agreed. He demanded action, and the people carried out his bidding. Soon thereafter, ashes fell from oven chimneys.

Barack Hussein Obama’s personal pastor, Jeremiah Wright, is a close personal friend to Louis Farrakhan, the outspoken leader of the Nation of Islam movement here in the USA. Barack Hussein Obama has never stated his position regarding our future relationship with the nation of Israel; he has never denounced Islam’s hatred for the Jewish nation or the Jewish people. And, as far as I know, he has never embraced historical Biblical Christianity, which would prevent him from supporting the American version of the holocaust, “On-Demand Abortions,” which he votes for and supports whole heartily.

I am making a prediction, should Barack Hussein Obama become our next President, America will have the leader she deserves. He will break relations with Israel, he will assault our personal freedoms guaranteed by the Unites States Constitution. I suspect he will start with the second amendment’s right to bear arms. He will attack freedom of speech and find away to shut down conservative talk radio, and blog sites like this. Changing America, he will break faith with the system of limited government our founding fathers created. He will change the USA to a pure democracy, something the founding fathers of this nation specifically rejected, and I suspect he will abolish the twenty-second amendment limiting Presidential terms. In other words, he will become the first American dictator. He likes being the messiah – so does the Anti-Christ!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Challenging Roe

WGRC-FM Radio invited me to speak about the American Civil war and my Civil War Epic, Destination Hope - Separation. The book is slowly heading for Best Seller status, and the second book in the series Emancipation, should be released in the fall of 2008. We also discussed the correlations between the infamous United States Supreme Court’s mistake in 1857, the Dred Scott Decision when the court ruled that a Negro is not a person and the thirty-fifth anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, where the Supreme Court refused to decide when a person is a person.

It seems that God is leading me to be another voice for the unborn. I believe those of us to call ourselves “Christians” have a duty to protect the right to life of those who cannot defend themselves, including the baby living inside his or her mother’s womb.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Last Night's Republican Debate

As many of you, I watched last night's Republican Debate with heightened interest. Our caucus will meet on Super Tuesday and I wanted to prepare for the event. I have narrowed the field. Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee stand out as the best remaining candidates.

Both have governed, both have held executive positions, both are outside of Washington. Our existing government has become irrelevant, to the point that it may be time to consider a second civil war to let the liberals and secular progressives have their own separate country to destroy without taking conservative traditionalists down with them. However, Romney and Huckabee represented hope for the future. They spoke uncompromisingly about the good of and in America. John McCain compromises everything. For America to remain its sovereignty, we cannot compromise the values that made us strong, and McCain appears too willing to make a deal. The only deal I want to see made now is the formation of a Romney/Huckabee ticket.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

KPOF Radio Interview Feedback


Read what others are saying about the Destination Hope Series. Any doctrine, whether religious, legal, educational, economic, etc., that cannot be challenged is not worth following. It is time to challenge the legal doctrine established by Roe v. Wade. If it sustains the challenge, okay. If it cannot sustain it, then it is time to let the unborn live.

I am prepared to address the real issues confronting this election year - Did God create all men equal? If we don't get the answer to this right, no other issue matters.



Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Has God Abandoned America?

Over the past three days, I’ve heard two different preachers teach similar messages from Romans 1:18 through 2:9. The conclusion suggested is, has God abandoned America? Since God doesn’t let individuals, or nations know that He has abandoned them (Judges 16:20-last sentence), how can we know if he’s abandoned us? Romans 1:28 states that God gave “them” (sinners – but could it apply to an entire nation) over to a depraved mind. A depraved mind is not useful. It does not think, reason, or, comprehend. It cannot discern the difference between right and wrong because it suppresses the truth of God’s word and thus it does not have a moral basis for determining right from wrong.

This is very sobering, and descriptive of our nation’s condition. Our country and future generations are in deep trouble.

I recently returned from Washington, DC. The meeting was filled with government officials. They argued, debated, and articulated lofty plans. No decisions were made, thousands of taxpayer dollars wasted, and no one seemed to care. Washington has become more and more irrelevant. We pay our representatives large salaries and they do nothing. Have our Congressional leaders been abandoned and given over to a depraved mind?

President Bush seems bent on turning his back on Israel by trading land for peace including dividing Jerusalem. Nothing could be more misguided. He opposes the revealed word and will of our Creator, and places Israel’s and American’s safety in jeopardy. Apparently, he has lost the ability to discern the difference between right and wrong.

Further, not a single Presidential candidate has broached this issue. Maybe they think this is something the President can do under his foreign affairs authority and they should not raise an objection. Do they not realize that whoever becomes our next President will have to deal with the consequences of President Bush’s foolish appeasement of our Islamic enemies?

Next Tuesday will be the 35th Anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision. Since then approximately 50 Million American citizens have been murdered in their mother’s wombs. Immorality runs rampant, homosexuality encouraged and moral clarity seems lost for all time. I will be discussing these matters on Tuesday with the KPOF AM 910 “Breakfast Table Show” from 7 – 8 AM MST.

I think the answer to the question is, yes, God has abandoned America. Unless we repent, cry out to God for his forgiveness (which He would grant), turn from our wicked ways, and obey His ways, America is doomed to self destruction. The second question, is it too late? Who will save us from the inevitable calamity to come?