Good Morning: Tomorrow, we celebrate our nation’s National Day of Prayer. I sincerely hope that millions of citizens of the United States of America will participate in some measure. I pray that God’s Holy Spirit will move across this land from shore-to-shore, from boarder-to-boarder, and inspire us with God’s principles of: Leadership, Justice, Morals, Family, and Life. I believe that our Nation is at a social cross-roads, a bloodless civil war (so far) that will define us once again as a people that promote God’s Liberty (Leviticus 25:10, Isaiah 61:1, Luke 4:18, and Galatians 5:1), or just another democratic nation that stands for nothing. I believe our nation’s Founding Fathers stated God’s truth when they declared, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
Bible Study, Nehemiah 11:1-36
What is the main point? The Hebrew exiles are identified in accordance with their patriarchal lineage. Several are also identified by both their family line and the service they render for the Lord to His people (verses 17 & 22).
What does God reveal about Himself? It is difficult to see a revelation of God in this passage. However, I am grateful that the people were inspired, I believe by God’s Holy Spirit, to review and prove their heritage. I am certain that as they read and studied God’s Word that they saw that the Messiah would come from the line of David, who came from the line of Abraham, who came from the line of Abraham, the first created son of God. We must express gratitude to the Children of Israel who preserved and protected the Holy Scriptures with their lives. God was going to choose a people for this purpose, and He made His choice. Accordingly, the Children of Israel deserve our love and respect.
What insights into my life? I believe my charge from God is to both preserve and proclaim His Word. This is my main reason for writing this daily journal. I pray that God will open the door so that I can post my journal every day.
How can I honor God with this information? I believe I am living one of the parables Jesus taught. My Business Manger is going on a business trip and he has left me in charge of an important task. I need to stay focused and keep the team on task so that we can complete the assignment on time and to the benefit of our company and customer.
Where is God working today? We are organizing a time of prayer at work tomorrow. I pray that God’s Holy Spirit will draw many to join us.
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