again, the, “NEWS,” outlets, even now left leaning FOX, are focusing on
the wrong thing. True Americans are
hoping absolutely corrupted Hillary Rodham Clinton will finally be brought to
justice for her uncountable crimes. The
Democrats are accusing the FBI Director, James Comey, of playing politics, violating
the, “Hatch Act,” law, or being a double-crosser. Unfortunately, the networks worry about the potential
impact these some 650,000 newly discovered e-mails might have on the general
election. I’m not discounting the
election importance; however, there is a national life-or-death issue we need
to know about as soon as possible.
if Hillary Rodham Clinton sent highly classified information to Huma Abedin and
she in turn forwarded the data to her deeply connected to the Muslim Brotherhood
father or mother (watch this video)? What if she sent her parents information
critical to the poor security of the Benghazi Consulate? What if Al-Qaida knew they could attack the
consulate because of this data? What if
the information disclosed the secret location of the CIA Annex? What if these e-mails reveal an act of espionage
and disclose its horrific cover up? I
realize this is all speculation, but what if it turns out to be the case or
worse? How many more American lives are
in immediate danger? How many of our
technical capabilities have been compromised? Is America at great, clear and present danger
of an imminent attack from any of the many powers that desire to do us
harm? We need to know how badly we’ve
been damaged so we can take appropriate countermeasures and be in a position to
defend ourselves.
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for reading.