Sometimes the selection of
leadership for our nation is obvious. I
ask a simple question – who supports our Constitution, which embeds and protects
our exceptional foundational principles, directed to the entire world in our
Declaration of Independence? To answer
this, I ask follow up questions: 1) who supports the current administration, 2)
what do they stand for, and 3) what are their visions for the future? Barak Hussein Obama’s (BHO) main supporters
include, but are not limited to Liberal Progressives, Communists, and
Progressives consider the
Constitution outdated and irrelevant. They
want to reshape the world into one that fits their selfish, never disclosed
desires. Their behavior points to an
undefined, “Open Society,” created by George Soros – an evil man who sold out
his fellows Jews to the NAZI’s so he could profit from their loss. He calls this transfer of wealth and loss of
life, “Social Justice.” These folks hold
to the conviction that a group of self-proclaimed masterminds must rule the
Communists around the world
represent another BHO support group.
They reject the fact that God created the Universe and believe that we
all belong to the government, distributing human rights as they see fit. Like Progressives, they seek global
domination, and they would use force to regulate every aspect of life.
The most frightening group gurgles
from the Islamic world. These theocrats
reject God’s offer of salvation through the blood sacrifice of His Lamb – God’s
only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. They
want to replace our Constitutional Republic and subject every living person to
Sharia Law. These governing systems are
diametrically opposed to one another and can never blend or become compatible.
BHO embraces the desire to,
“Fundamentally transform,” America. He
rejects our nation’s exceptional station, based on the self-evident truth that
our country was conceived in God’s Liberty and dedicated to the proposition
that all men are created equal. He
pushed and passed laws or signed executive orders contrary to the will of the
American people. He is transforming
individual citizens into government dependent subjects based on his concept of
Social Justice, and his opinion of fairness.
Communists remove dissenters. They control the media and message so their
subjects do as they’re told, and support the needs of the State. The difference between Liberal Progressives
and Communists – Progressives ridicule nonconformists into silent submission – Communists
either imprison or kill any who object to their superior-scientific management
of society. BHO is willing to make deals
with former Soviet Union, now Russian, leaders to disarm our ability to defend
ourselves against mounting nuclear threats.
BHO’s number one Constitutional responsibility is to defend our
country. However, he treats the
Constitution as either a meaningless piece of paper or a removable roadblock on
the path to global domination. Whichever
is true, BHO seems more than willing to let America suffer under his undeclared
He embraces the Islamic leaders of
the Muslim world – the Muslim Brotherhood.
Their stated objective is to make the USA into a Sharia Law compliant Islamic
State, even if it takes 100 years.
confirm this statement, I strongly urge all Constitution, Liberty-loving
Americans to read, a telling report linked here:
Threat to America.pdf.
The clock is
ticking and BHO is using his executive position to hasten the Islamic advance.
Now, the Muslim Brotherhood threatens Israel
with BHO’s assistance.
In dramatic contrast, Mitt Romney
has demonstrated a thorough commitment to the United States Constitution and
our founding principles. He recognizes
that he is accountable to both the American people, and the Supreme Judge of
the Universe who will grade his service to us, not how we served him. Paul Ryan consistently declares that our
rights come from God – not government. Both men are telling the truth. We cannot keep spending money we do not have
and impose higher taxes (legalized theft) on any class of people. To resolve our fiscal problems, we must cut
and balance the Federal budget. These
men have earned my vote on November 6, 2012.
How can an American citizen who
loves our unique Constitutional Republic possibly vote for BHO in good
conscience? Such a person must either
miss or reject these obvious facts. The
enemy of my enemy is my friend and BHO has some peculiar friends –
self-proclaimed enemies of the USA. They
all share one common vision for the future – a world without America. Oh, the land will be here, we will be
residents of something, but we will no longer be citizens of a free nation, and
the light of liberty will go out plunging the world under evil, tyrannical
darkness. May God have mercy on us
should BHO be reelected, because he will have none.
that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Edmund Burke