Sunday, October 04, 2009

October 4, 2009 – Bible Study – Psalm 55:1-23

What is the main point?
It is a fearful thing for us, who understand righteousness and desire to live upright lives, to see wickedness abound (vs 4), and to see our leaders - elected leaders - act wickedly (vs 3). Where is the justice for the citizen taxpayer? Are we reduced to nothing but subjects to BHO and his cronies? Why did he and his wife, and their friends have to fly to Denmark to make another speech, and why did they have to take separate planes (some sacrifice) - all at the expense of American citizens? Who would have benefited if they had won the Olympic prize? The questions are endless because wickedness knows no bounds.

What does God reveal about Himself?
Yet, God sees, He hears, and He knows the judgment He plans for the wicked. BHO has violated his covenant (vs 20) - to protect and defend the Constitution, which he considers to be fundamentally flawed. God will let BHO and his house (including his Czar friends) go down alive to Sheol, for evil is in his dwelling, and in his midst (vs 15).

What insights can I apply to my life?
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15). Our God is our refuge (vs 8). Even when He brings terrible calamity upon our nation for its many grievous sins, I know I can trust Him (vs 23).

How can I honor God with this passage?

I choose to repent of my sins - open and secret - for only when I humble myself under the mighty hand of God can He raise me up to be the man He intends - a light unto the Gentiles and a hope to His people - Israel.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Same Old Tune

I am so tired of hearing the same tune coming out of BHO's mount. The lyrics may change, but the tune is the same.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Radio Spot


Friday, September 11, 2009, I will be on the morning show, "The Breakfast Table," on AM-91 (KPOF 910) from 7-8 AM to talk about the Saturday 9-12 Rallies in D.C. and Denver (see link below). I hope to see you Saturday at the Colorado State Capital Building (West Steps).

I finished the third chapter in the fourth book "Liberty" in my Destination Hope Series.


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Why does BHO keep our troops away?

Have you wondered why the, "Liar-in-Chief," has not fulfilled one campaign promise - to bring our troops home? I have no desire to bring the troops home, at least not the typical left reason. I think history shows that the longer our military stays in a region, the more stable and peaceful it becomes. But I want our military home because they (like me) swore a solemn oath to preserve and protect the Constitution of the United States against all enemies both foreign and domestic (no wonder he considered the Constitution, "Fundamentally flawed"). While our military are away and preoccupied, BHO is quietly building his own, "Home Guard," with their sworn allegiance to him. I am considered an expert on the American Civil War, and I see the elements of a second aligning. He and his minions are poking and prodding. I think to get Liberty-loving Americans to throw the first punch, or worse, fire the first shot so that he can, "Squash" us with his growing, "Iron Fist." What do you think? Is this a legitimate question to ask or just crazy talk?

Monday, July 20, 2009

Glenn Beck's, "Common Sense"

I finished Glenn Beck’s, “Common Sense.” If you know what it means to be a Liberty-loving American, please read his book.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tea Party Update

The Independence Day Tea Party Patriotic Celebration for the Arvada, Colorado area is shaping up to be an exciting event. For those of you who are not familiar with the Tea Parties, this is an opportunity for people of all parties to come together peacefully and find common ground regarding issues that affect all Americans. For example, many Americans are concerned about the out-of-control government spending.

What is the objective?
Our objective is to gather a large number of people together so that our politicians will see American citizens actively concerned about our nation’s current condition and future

Where & When?
There are over 1,250 cities participating, dozens throughout Colorado, several in the Metro Area. For a location near you Visit the Tea Party ( Web Site. The Independence Day Tea Party Patriotic Celebration I’m involved with is:
* Saturday, July 4, 2009 (ten days from today),
* From: 1:00pm - 8:00pm (You do not have to stay all day),
* Location: Pioneer Park Pavilion (East of the Recreation Center)
* Address: 9101 Ralston Road (58th Avenue & Garrison), Arvada, CO
* The organizers will publish a more detailed agenda soon. Visit the web site for the event agenda. I will be reading the Declaration of Independence

How can Folks help?
* Please show up (Numbers Matter), & Encourage others to do likewise,
* The organizers have established a facebook site, which is linked at the event web site Please visit to the web site if you wish to help in any capacity,
* Bring Your Picnic Basket and get to know others who share your concerns about America,
* Keep in mind, the Park prohibits alcoholic beverages. Please do not bring any.
* Read the Declaration of Independence and reconnect with this day’s importance.

If you would like to bring a sign, please keep your message simple like, “Stop the Spending,” or, “The Power to Tax Is the Power to Destroy.” Again, keep it simple. By the way, Five-gallon wooden paint stirring sticks are available at most paint stores. They make great, lightweight, poster holders.

If you want to contact me for more information, you can reach me at, or at Twitter, Facebook, or at America’s Godly Heritage (

Remember this Independence Day is a unique American event. The Tea Party is going to take all of us to make it a success. This is our time to come together, celebrate our nations birth, meet each other, discuss the issues concerning us, and begin to work together to find solutions.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I am sure everyone notices Fourth of July Holiday sales popping up all over the metro area. I am here representing myself to remind people about an exciting event – The Independence Day Tea Party Patriotic Celebration. I have received many telephone calls and e-mails asking for information. The most often asked questions are:

Where & When?
Time & Place of the Independence Day Tea Party Patriotic Celebration is,
July 4, 2009,
Time: 1:00pm - 8:00pm,
Location: Pioneer Park Pavilion
Address: 9101 Ralston Road (58th Avenue), Arvada, CO 80002

Why not the Capital Building like the April 15th Event?
Detailed answers can be found at this Web Site Specifically, Tea Party Organizers decided to move from the Capital Building to the public park in Arvada because a Veterans Organization is planning a picnic in the mall area between the Colorado State House and the City & County Buildings. Tea Party Organizers determined that we did not want to interfere with the Veterans and their family members.

What is our objective?
2,500 participants in a peaceful pot luck picnic/demonstration in the park,
We expect Public Servants to listen (we know Politicians will not), and
Send clear messages, such as:
Ø “Stop the Spending,” and
Ø “We are Taxed Enough Already.”

How can I help?
Please show up(Numbers Matter – over 1,230 cities will participate)
Encourage others to do likewise,
The organizers have established a facebook site, which is linked at the to help people RSVP,
If you are able, please bring items such as:
Hot dogs, buns and/or water,
Condiments, chips, and/or a side dish
If you are not able to bring any food items, don’t worry about it and don’t let that stop you from attending.
The Park prohibits alcoholic beverages. Please do not bring any alcoholic beverages.
Visit the Tea Party ( Web Site for more information, and
Read the Declaration of Independence and reconnect with this day’s importance.

If you intend to bring a sign, please keep your message simple like, “Stop the Spending,” or, those used by our founders such as, “The Power to Tax Is the Power to Destroy.” Here are a few reasons for this recommendation:
The media would like to silence our voice. If we have signs that are off point, such as, “Fire the Speaker of the House,” although we might agree with this, it is something the media would use to demonize the demonstration, or at least marginalize our message.
We should strive to remove the ability to criticize our purpose, or use our demonstration to inflame the passions of those who do not yet understand our grave-concerns, and to exploit our, “Grassroots,” movement as the last-gasp of those who hold to traditional values.
It is possible (however unlikely), Politicians might understand a statement written at the First Grade Reading Level.

Another idea for Tea Party Signs: Five-gallon wooden paint stirring sticks are available at most paint stores. They make great, lightweight, poster holders.

If you want to contact me for more information, you can reach me at, or at Twitter, Facebook, or at America’s Godly Heritage (

Remember this IS your event. This IS YOUR Tea Party, YOUR celebration. It is going to take all of us to make it a success.

This our time to come together, celebrate our nations founding. It’s a time to get together, meet each other, discuss the issues concerning us and begin to work together to find solutions.

Charles Patricoff
Tea Party Host
“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

July 4th Tea Party Update

To Denver Area Tea Party Participants:

The July 4, 2009 Tea Party is moving from the Capital Building to a public park in Arvada. The information is included in the URL below. A Veterans Organization is planning a picnic in the park between the Colorado State House and the City & County Buildings. Tea Party Organizers determined that we did not want to have a conflict with the Veterans and their family members.

The format is also changed from a one hour event to an all afternoon into the evening Independence Day celebration (bring your own picnic basket).
Another idea for Tea Party Signs: Five gallon wooden paint stirring sticks available for free from any paint store, make great, light-weight, poster holders.

I don't know where I will camp at the park, but I will have a sign that says, "The Constitution Matters."



Friday, April 10, 2009

Book 3 - Consolation Initial Draft Completed

I completed the initial draft of the third book in my Destination Hope - Series, Consolation. If you do not like the direction the progressive-liberal, Islamic-submissive dictator is taking our country, the Destination Hope - Series will help you reconnect to the firm Biblical foundation established by the founders of our nation. I linked the first book – Separation here:

Monday, January 26, 2009

Dictator's First Week

If you haven’t noticed, since January 20, 2009 we have a dictator. Historically, dictators do not take kindly to criticism and this one is no different. BHO doesn’t want us to listen to anyone that might have an opinion that questions the soundness of his radical-left ideas. At the risk of being thrown in prison for exercising my once Constitutional-First Amendment right of free speech, let’s assess his first week and see how he’s done.

1. He’s lifted the international ban on taxpayer funded abortions and opened the door on the wholesale murder of the unborn. In case you didn’t notice, the United States taxpayer must pay for these killings. He has the blood of innocent lives on his head and everyone who voted for him is culpable with the blood of children on their hands.
2. He’s closed the door on the GITMO prison for international terrorists, and his minions are happy to let them live on American soil to spread the death cult of Islam among hardened criminals. The Pentagon reports that at least 60 – possibly more – of the detainees released from Guantanamo have rejoined terrorist cells and have fought once again against Americans. When are we going to get tired of fighting those we’ve released?
3. The White House web site lays out all the other ungodly practices he intends to impose upon us, many of them should cause grave concern to a free people.

I see severe trouble on the horizon. Do you remember the old saying, “Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning”? What are some of the warning signs of imminent danger? Watch for an increase in civil unrest. I suspect that he will turn a “blind eye” and a “deaf ear” to complaints of mistreatment or even acts of violence (including murder) against conservatives. He will silence all criticism using a sweeping “Hate Speech” rule and he will remove the free exchange of ideas from all forms of media, education, and public debate. He will want to disarm the population under the guise of improved safety, and he will treat terror attacks as if they were criminal acts worthy of due process regardless of the citizen body count. When he begins to blame a particular group of people (such as: Jews, Christians, or White Conservatives) for all the disorder and his failure to accomplish his agenda, anyone who raises an objection to his policies will receive his wrath. I wonder if the construction of “work camps” is buried in his massive spending plans.

Many people have asked me about our Christian responsibility to pray for him. I recommend I Corinthians 5:5 for your consideration. If he is a Christian as he claims, then we must pray that he comes to a place of deep and true repentance. If he is not, then we must pray that he surrenders his life to Jesus Christ and bows his knee in submission to the Supreme Judge of the Universe. Do I want him to succeed – only if he practices righteousness? So long as he practices wickedness, I pray that God will have mercy on his eternal soul.