Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Maybe There Is Hope

At the beginning of this year, God convicted me regarding the abortion issue.  I repented of an apathetic attitude and began doing some research into the issue.  I learned that the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision is filled with faulty logic (42 Years Too Late), and I reacted with anger when I found 98% of all abortions performed in America are for the convenience of the woman (Is It Too Late).  Six months later however, I friend who shares my conviction discovered an online tool (Online For Life) that had caused me to think again.  Maybe it is not too late for America.  Maybe there is hope for the future lives of the unborn.

I checked out the Online For Life web page and read the organization’s mission to save, “babies and rescue women, men, and families from the ravages of abortion.”  When I saw the prayer opportunities, I knew this was an answer to my prayer – here is something I can do.  I can pray with Online For Life.  I downloaded their free app (OFL APP) to my phone.  It shows me real-time prayer needs and the number of babies saved (confirmed and verified) resulting from women who choose life.  A flash notice appears like this: “Someone considering abortion in (City, State) just contacted a Center.”  I offer a simple prayer something like this: “Father, in the precious and powerful name of Jesus, I ask that Your Holy Spirit will move upon this mother’s heart in (City & State) and convict her of sin, righteousness, and judgment that she would think beyond the immediate and look forward to a blessed future.  I pray she changes her mind about having an abortion.  I ask you to grant her comfort, courage, and strength to choose life and the blessings it brings.  In the name of Jesus I thank you.  Amen.”  Then, I address the next prayer concern, and the next, until I am released to go about my day.

For my Facebook friends, who share my conviction for life, check out OFL’s Facebook Page. 

I’m grateful a woman chose life for me, allowed me to be born in the spring of 1952, and put me up for adoption.  I’m glad to be alive and thankful to Almighty God I can add my voice for those who do not yet have one.  For those who join me in prayer for these precious lives, I know God hears our prayers.  Maybe He will withhold His judgment of our nation although we deserve it for murdering over 57 million innocent babies.

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